Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Talking Green: Foot Candles

Hello again,
So now that I have finally finished talking about the different elements needed for starting seeds, I can talk about other interesting things. Now you may be wondering what the heck are foot candles and how on earth does this have anything to do with plants?? lol Well I would like to explain.
Foot Candles is the measurement of light a plant needs to grow properly. The abbreviation for foot candles is Fc which I will use from here on in. For some reason I can not remember why it was called this but I will check it out and let you know. :) To give you an idea of how many fc's come from different light sources I will give some examples.
Foot Candles
Light Source             FC (approx)
Starlight                    0.00011 FC
Moonlight                 0.02 FC
Overcast Daylight     1000.00 FC
Direct Sun                10,000 FC

As you can see, direct sun has about 10 times the amount of Fc's than on a cloudy day. To give you an idea how much a plant needs, vegetables need at least 1000 fc's. Also the taller a plant is the more fc's it will need. So different plants require different amounts but no need to worry about figuring out how much each plant needs or anything-this is just some interesting information to share with you. It can help to know this if you are growing plants in a greenhouse and I hope to expand further on it sometime but for now you can use this to impress your friends that may not know about this measurement. lol :)

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