Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why I would love a Kindle

In case my previous post is not what is looking for, I have decided to write another post. I am writing about why I would love a kindle from bzzagent and why.
First off, I would love a Kindle from bzz agent because I would get it for free and I would not have to continue to save up for one which will take a long time yet. I would not have to wait for the time to afford one to be able to use one and this would be very beneficial to me. It would be beneficial because I read alot of books over the winter and winter is coming up and the kindle is much easier to hold than a book. I would love to be able to read the books on a kindle instead of well book form.
I would love to read books on a Kindle because it saves paper to get paperless ebooks and I love to save paper where I can.
Another benefit to having a Kindle would be that I would be able to take it with me to doctor's appts and never have to worry about not enough reading material. The kindle stores many books. I have a lot of doctor's appointments so this would come in handy many times. I would no longer have to take 2 books if I happen to be 1/2 or 3/4 done a book I am reading so that I have enough to read.
Another reason I would love a kindle is that I can find all the classics for free through the Amazon Kindle site which are not always easy to find elsewhere. Plus they are free which is great! I have recently finally read Jekyll and Hyde which I have intended to read for many years but never got around to it. But I read it on my smart phone which is less than fun. It was possible but it would be so much better on a Kindle.
Would you like to hear another reason? Why that is wonderful if you do because I am going to share another one! Yay! The Kindle has many more features on it than other E Readers out on the market and it would be such a great experience reading off a kindle. But I can not afford one yet so that is why I would love to get one from Bzz agent.
I have been recovering from back surgery and have days I can't move around very much and reading is a great way to pass the time. When laying down, books can be heavy to hold up and I have to keep resting my arms. With a kindle, it would be alot lighter and much easier to read books and I could read for longer periods and get more books done!!!
More awesome reasons for wanting a Kindle is the Wi-fi, the note taking abilities, being able to share parts of the book on twitter, and the dictionary that you can look up words as you read!!!
Well I really do hope you are not tired of hearing why I would love a kindle because I do have one last reason to share. :) E books are a bit cheaper than paper books and it would save me so much in the long run to buy eBooks. I have to have a e reader though to buy eBooks. Which is why a kindle is a very good device to have! Plus my bookshelf would be so much lighter if I didn't have the paper books on it. So that is why I would love a Kindle from!!!
What is bzz agent you ask? Well let me explain! It is a wonderful program where you sign up for something called a bzz campaign and you are given the chance to try a product for free (Yes that is correct-FREE) and you are required to bzz about it. How do you bzz about it? Well you go to your friends, neighbors, strangers on the street -anyone who will listen to you and you tell them about your experience with the product! Then you go back to bzz agent and submit reports about who you talked to and what they said and what you said. Sounds too simple huh? well it sure is simple and fun! There are no strings attached. Honest. I have had lots of fun with Bzz Agent. Some products I don't like so much so I give my reports and I give my honest opinions. It helps companies make better products I think and it spreads the word about great products which companies like. Word of mouth is a great way to help companies get more business when they sell a great product. Plus I get to find new products I like through this and continue to buy these products after the bzzcampaign is over. So these reasons are the reasons I would love a Kindle!! I hope I impressed the right people!!!

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